Tuesday, June 7, 2011

Oh, the rashes....

Well, both girls have rashes on their cheeks...I'm assuming it's eczema, of which Jada has battled since she was little.  Their cheeks look so pitiful....I'm trying some cold cream and prescription cortizone, hoping it will go away with just that, if not, I suppose I'll be heading to the pediatrician.

Jada was quite angry with her Dad and I last night, as we would not let her swim.  We had errands to run, and truly, she doesn't need to be in chlorinated water again until we figure out the rash.  She just didn't understand, I'm sure it seemed to her we were trying to prevent her from having fun.  Poor girl. 

Kenya has started to cut her K9 teeth and Jada is cutting another set a molars, not sure which, but she's definitely getting some.  So, our house is bursting at the seems with toothaches....I foresee an early bedtime this evening.  It's supposed to storm, so hopefully that will help lull them to sleep a little early. 

I've been keeping up with the Casey Anthony case through Twitter, and I must say, her lack of emotion during the trial is really getting to me.  I cannot fathom the way I would feel, God forbid, something happen to one of my girls.  I just cannot even comprehend how she sits in the courtroom, almost daily, with little to no emotion.  She watches herself continue to lie on audio and video tapes, even after she has fessed up to some of her lies.  People amaze me. 

I understand she was young when she had her daughter, and maybe wanted to live a child free life, but there are places you take your children with no repercussions!  A fire department, hospital, a relative...I just cannot fathom how killing your child is your only possible out.  Of course, I'm assuming she is guilty, because that is the way I feel about the case.  I do not believe her falsities and can only imagine how I would feel if I had lost a child and KNEW I was innocent, on trial for murder.  I don't think I would be so calm, and I damn sure would be a mess, not composed. 

I'm really beginning to debate returning to school this fall.  I really would like to finish my last 5 classes to get my Bachelor's Degree and I know, in the end, it would benefit my family so much by me  finishing it.  I could most likely get a job somewhere I truly enjoy my work, and feel as if I'm truly helping people.  I just hate the thought of evening classes, and being away from the girls, but hopefully the classes would be late ones, starting at 7pm, so I would at least get to see them a couple hours.  I just feel as if that is an unclosed chapter in my book, and I truly want it.  I want to finish it, so I'm going to set out to see what classes I still need to finish it. 

I'm all over the place today...just randomness of my thoughts...

It's been so long since I've written, I feel like a kid learning to ride a bike without training wheels.  Hopefully soon, my thoughts will be more organized and cohesive.  I feel as if I ramble and ramble, for that, I apologize! 

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