Monday, June 6, 2011

Failed Intentions...

Not even a week into this blog, I feel as if I have failed with my intentions for it.  I did not realize life would escape from me so quickly as to not even be able to keep up with a blog.  I had intentions of writing nightly, to recap our days, however it seems once I get the girls to bed, I'm too tired or too lazy, to even consider blogging.  I must try harder, because there are going to be times I'm not going to have the time to blog from work, sadly.  I find weekends are especially difficult as I really try to focus on the girls, as this is the only uninterrupted time I have with them every week, and would feel guilty for sitting in front of the computer to blog rather than interact with them. 

Friday, June 3rd, Jada had her field day at school.  It was great to see her interact with her friends and watch her competitiveness.  She seemed to really enjoy her day...and then her and I went for lunch, just her and I.  I think this may have been her favorite part of the day....she has been asking for some Mommy time, and it worked out perfectly.

After Jada and I finished lunch, we took Kenya to her 18 month check-up (she's nearly a month late as her pediatrician decided he needed to be on vacation for the majority of May).  She is growing rapidly....she is weighing in at 23 lbs. 10 oz. (50th percentile) and is measuring 33 inches long (85th percentile)!!!!  Dr. Russell predicts Kenya will grow and trend as Jada has, and to look forward to another tall, lean machine!  Watch out world!!!!

We had a great family weekend this weekend...did a lot of nothing but hang out and let people come visit us!  This is a welcome change as it always seems as if we're the ones running around visiting and trying to find playmates for the girls.

They played in the pool and yard all weekend and just thoroughly enjoyed their time at home.  Some of the neighbor girls came and swam with Jada and she was even able to have a sleepover Saturday night with one of her girlfriends (Trinity, the neighbor's grand-daughter).  She was excited to be able to have Trinity stay the night and use her new trundle bed!  They were so tired from their running around all day Saturday, they were both sound asleep within 30 minutes of laying their little heads down.  Jada was invited to go to breakfast with Trinity and her family, and was excited to go, until it came time for her to leave.  She quickly changed her mind, and didn't want to go.  I will have to delve into that a little deeper as she told me a 16 year old boy was going to be going (a friend of Trinity's family) that Jada did not know, and was not interested in going because she did not want to be around any older kids.  I'm not sure what that's all about, I wanted to let her emotions die down about it before prodding for more information.

So, Jada will be out of kindergarten this Thursday, June 9th, and I'm having some fairly strong feelings about this...excitement, sadness, anxiousness, as I'm not ready for my baby to be in first grade!  She is overwhelmed with excitement for summer and her new adventure graduating into first grade, but it weighs heavy on Mommy's heart, as my little angel is growing up...bittersweet. 

Kenya, dear, sweet Kenya, was fused to my hip or heel this weekend.  She has become my little shadow that is in danger of being stepped on at every moment of everyday.  I have found that she will sneak up on me and I will not know she's behind me, I suppose I need to install a beeper on my behind, so she knows to watch out!!!!  She was a little tornado this weekend, she created mass chaos throughout the house with ripping everything she could get her little hands on, out of where it belongs.  She truly is developing her own little personality and character...she's proving to have a turbulent temper as well!  She does NOT like the word "No" being said to her I'm learning rather quickly.  Ms. Kenya has her own agenda these days and does not like when Mommy or Daddy try to interrupt her plan! 

My Mom (Mimi) was able to come by both days and spend a little time with was so nice to have her there, the girls adore her about as much as I do!!!  And Brad didn't have tons of plans this weekend either, so it was nice having a full 48 hours or so of nothing but family time....with some friends stopping by. 

All in all, we had a great weekend....nothing completely noteworthy, but perfect in our little world.  I look forward to a summer full of weekends like we had.....

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